James Joyce Investigations Investigatio
Call us now @ 312-493-0227 for a Free 100% Confidential Phone Consultation or send an email to jamesjoyceinvestigations@aol.com for immediate response. You may also email us via the form below.
(1) DO NOT call from a phone or area that you think may be under electronic surveillance. Do not email
James Joyce Investigations from a computer that you think may be compromised.
(2) If you have reason to believe that a law enforcement agency has you under surveillance, James Joyce
Investigations cannot help you. In fact, if a Court ordered wiretap has been ordered on your
device(s), it is done at a Central Office of the provider(s) and is undetectable.
(3) James Joyce Investigations does not install bugs or wiretaps. Please do not ask.
James Joyce Investigations
Phone: 312-493-0227
Email: JamesJoyceInvestigations@aol.com
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 24/7
Sat: 8-6pm
Sun: 8-6pm
70 West Madison Street
Three First National Plaza
Chicago, Illinois 60602-4270